My Role

All we'll explore is everything that is precious to you: all those you love, all you own, and all your passions.

"I want to control my assets while I'm alive and well.  If I become sick or disabled I want to be cared for by those I chose and how I chose.  When I die I want to give to those I chose and how I chose and I want to save every possible dollar of court costs, fees, and taxes*."

If this statement reflects your needs, goals and passions, call me and let's chat! 

Creating an insurance and financial blueprint is a two-way street, which means that the key to getting maximum value from our relationship is communication and candor.

It’s important to:

  • Get acquainted. Please contact me to arrange a meeting to review your situation and discuss the products and services that can help you.

  • Educate your agent. Don't expect me to be a mind reader. I may anticipate many of your needs, but will not assume anything. That's why it's so important that you be candid in providing information.

  • Educate yourself. At the same time, you too should ask a lot of questions. Be inquisitive. Ask me for details and explanations about recommendations and how certain strategies may work. Remember, the only "dumb question" is the one that isn't asked.

  • Make it a team effort. Let’s work together. Listen carefully to the recommendations, but remember — all decisions are yours. Make sure you're comfortable with the outcome.